31 Ağustos 2009 Pazartesi
28 Ağustos 2009 Cuma
17 Ağustos 2009 Pazartesi
14 Ağustos 2009 Cuma
PostScript Color Lines..
Gnuplot has the ability to produce postscript files. Well this is really useful but the problem starts when you wish to use solid lines with different colors. Only "lt 1" is solid and the others are dotted, dashed etc..
So, to gather solid lines with colors we have to edit the ps file by hand. Pretty easy;
Open it with an editor. Find the lines above;
/LTw {PL [] 1 setgray} def
/LTb {BL [] LCb DL} def
/LTa {AL [1 udl mul 2 udl mul] 0 setdash LCa setrgbcolor} def
/LT0 {PL [] LC0 DL} def
/LT1 {PL [4 dl1 2 dl2] LC1 DL} def
/LT2 {PL [2 dl1 3 dl2] LC2 DL} def
/LT3 {PL [1 dl1 1.5 dl2] LC3 DL} def
/LT4 {PL [6 dl1 2 dl2 1 dl1 2 dl2] LC4 DL} def
/LT5 {PL [3 dl1 3 dl2 1 dl1 3 dl2] LC5 DL} def
/LT6 {PL [2 dl1 2 dl2 2 dl1 6 dl2] LC6 DL} def
/LT7 {PL [1 dl1 2 dl2 6 dl1 2 dl2 1 dl1 2 dl2] LC7 DL} def
/LT8 {PL [2 dl1 2 dl2 2 dl1 2 dl2 2 dl1 2 dl2 2 dl1 4 dl2] LC8 DL} def
PL defines lines style and type. So if you erase them all of the lines will be solid..
/LTw {PL [] 1 setgray} def
/LTb {BL [] LCb DL} def
/LTa {AL [1 udl mul 2 udl mul] 0 setdash LCa setrgbcolor} def
/LT0 {PL [] LC0 DL} def
/LT1 {PL [] LC1 DL} def
/LT2 {PL [] LC2 DL} def
/LT3 {PL [] LC3 DL} def
/LT4 {PL [] LC4 DL} def
/LT5 {PL [] LC5 DL} def
/LT6 {PL [] LC6 DL} def
/LT7 {PL [] LC7 DL} def
/LT8 {PL [] LC8 DL} def
So, to gather solid lines with colors we have to edit the ps file by hand. Pretty easy;
Open it with an editor. Find the lines above;
/LTw {PL [] 1 setgray} def
/LTb {BL [] LCb DL} def
/LTa {AL [1 udl mul 2 udl mul] 0 setdash LCa setrgbcolor} def
/LT0 {PL [] LC0 DL} def
/LT1 {PL [4 dl1 2 dl2] LC1 DL} def
/LT2 {PL [2 dl1 3 dl2] LC2 DL} def
/LT3 {PL [1 dl1 1.5 dl2] LC3 DL} def
/LT4 {PL [6 dl1 2 dl2 1 dl1 2 dl2] LC4 DL} def
/LT5 {PL [3 dl1 3 dl2 1 dl1 3 dl2] LC5 DL} def
/LT6 {PL [2 dl1 2 dl2 2 dl1 6 dl2] LC6 DL} def
/LT7 {PL [1 dl1 2 dl2 6 dl1 2 dl2 1 dl1 2 dl2] LC7 DL} def
/LT8 {PL [2 dl1 2 dl2 2 dl1 2 dl2 2 dl1 2 dl2 2 dl1 4 dl2] LC8 DL} def
PL defines lines style and type. So if you erase them all of the lines will be solid..
/LTw {PL [] 1 setgray} def
/LTb {BL [] LCb DL} def
/LTa {AL [1 udl mul 2 udl mul] 0 setdash LCa setrgbcolor} def
/LT0 {PL [] LC0 DL} def
/LT1 {PL [] LC1 DL} def
/LT2 {PL [] LC2 DL} def
/LT3 {PL [] LC3 DL} def
/LT4 {PL [] LC4 DL} def
/LT5 {PL [] LC5 DL} def
/LT6 {PL [] LC6 DL} def
/LT7 {PL [] LC7 DL} def
/LT8 {PL [] LC8 DL} def
13 Ağustos 2009 Perşembe
Gnuplot ve çözünürlük..
Valla uğraşıyorum bir türlü yüksek yoğunluklu png elde edemedim. Ama eps formatını oluşturtup bunu aşağıdaki komut ile çevirebiliyoruz.
convert -density 600 kaynak.eps hedef.png
set term postscript eps enhanced
set size 2,1.5
set output 'test.eps'
set xlabel "Time Slots" font "Helvetica,25"
set ylabel "Bandwidth" font "Helvetica,25"
set ylabel offset "1,0"
set bmargin 4
set lmargin -5
set xrange [0:300]
set yrange [0:110]
set key 280,90
set xtics font "Helvetica,20"
set ytics font "Helvetica,20"
plot "poisson.txt" using 1:2 title "{/Helvetica=20 Instantaneous Requests}"
with lines lt 1 lw 2
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